Industry News

Go Green SG 2024

Go Green SG is led by the Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment (MSE). It is a national sustainability movement to rally the community to take collective action for a cleaner and greener Singapore. Go Green SG 2024 will run from 12 June to 14 July 2024. It will feature a diverse slate of sustainability-related activities, programmes, and experiences curated by our People, Public, and Private sector (3P) partners. Click more to find out how you can be part of the fun-filled activities and programmes.

List of Innovation Calls and Challenges in Environmental Services

This list of innovation calls and challenges in environmental services was compiled by the Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment (MSE) Science and Technology Planning Division (STPD), where interested start-ups or companies can participate in. Click more to find out more information.

MSE Committee of Supply 2024

Ministry are highlighted, aimed at fostering a clean, green, and resilient Singapore for all.

Zero Waste Master Plan

Singapore’s inaugural Zero Waste Masterplan maps out Singapore’s key strategies to build a sustainable, resource-efficient and climate-resilient nation. This includes adopting a circular economy approach to waste and resource management practices, and shifting towards more sustainable production and consumption.

Launch of inaugural Zero Waste Manager Course

[4 March 2024] WMRAS, in collaboration with the National Environment Agency (NEA), NTUC LearningHub (NTUC LHUB), and Republic Polytechnic (RP), is introducing a new Zero Waste Manager course in 2024. This course aims to equip companies and organizations with the necessary tools to minimize waste generation. By embracing this course, businesses can enhance their resource efficiency, reduce costs, and elevate their corporate social responsibility efforts.

Launch of WSH Guidelines for General Waste Management

[5 December 2023] The Waste Management & Recycling Association of Singapore (WMRAS) and Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Council held the inaugural WSH Forum for Waste Management Industry on 17 November 2023. The “WSH Guidelines for General Waste Management” was launched at the event. Developed by WMRAS in partnership with the WSH Council and supported by tripartite partners, the Guidelines provides practical WSH guidance for waste collectors and enhances their WSH knowledge to carry out waste collection safely.

Key Environmental Statistics 2023

In the linked document, it refers to the Waste and Recycling Statistics for 2023. For past data, please refer to